E-commerce barometer
Market Trends

The ikom e-commerce Barometer - Retrospective 2022

The ikom e-commerce Barometer - Retrospective 2022

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The opening of stores after the health crisis is felt

Overall, volumes in 2022 are lower than in 2021. The health context obviously has a lot to do with this, as consumers have been able to take advantage of physical stores more and have been less dependent on e-commerce in 2022 than in 2021.

Nevertheless, November clearly stands out : it shows better KPIs than the rest of the year due to the promotional period before the holiday season. Consumers, affected by inflation and rising energy prices, favored promotions for their Christmas purchases.

ikom 2022 e-commerce barometer - Overall performance for the year

It is likely that the economic situation of the French will push them to concentrate their purchases on promotional periods again this year.

Therefore, with thearrival of the sales in January, we advise to anticipate as soon as possible and adapt strategies to maximize volumes during this period. It is likely that many advertisers will do the same, and this increased competition can affect visibility, bids and budgets. It is therefore an important element to take into account when establishing acquisition strategies during these strong periods.

To you 2023!

As a reminder, the analysis is based on Google Analytics data (all sources combined) from a hundred or so e-tailers in France; we compare the data with that of the same period last year.
The trends we can observe are correlated to the performance of the sites connected to our tool and cannot represent the entire market. However, it can give an idea of the market trends over the analyzed period.