E-commerce barometer
Market Trends

The ikom e-commerce Barometer - February 2023

The ikom e-commerce Barometer - February 2023

Mixed results in February

February followed similar trends to January : the decrease in session volume (-9.3%), transactions (-11%) and sales (-3.3%) are very similar but the conversion rate is almost the same as last year (-1.9%).
The average basket is also up (+8.6%). Like last month, this increase can be linked to either more expensive or larger quantity purchases, but probably also to the increase in raw material prices passed on to sales prices. Thus, we advise to look at the evolution of the turnover, but also of the margin.

Overall, we notice that volumes and transformation are up at the beginning of the month for the last week of sales: we can assume that Internet users take advantage of the end of the promotional period with the arrival of the month's pay.

ikom e-commerce barometer February 2023 - Global Trends

The sectors on the rise are similar to the previous month (sports, indoor leisure, decoration) but we also note the rise in the fashion and children's sectors throughout the month. The garden sector is also on the rise, with the start of spring.
This month, food and outdoor leisure are more backward, due to a drop in sessions, probably in favor of physical stores that were shunned during the covid years.

Barometer e-commerce ikom February 2023 - The sectors

The mixed results of the sales and the reinforcement of the competition challenge this beginning of the year for all the e-tailers.
We always recommend to set up campaigns as soon as possible in order to be present during the (increasingly anticipated) searches of the Internet users: the requests on mother's and father's day started to increase last year as early as March.

Moreover, in the face of the decline in consumption, the second-hand market is gaining in importance: more economical, it also makes it possible to give a sustainable dimension to one's purchases, whether in furnishings, fashion, the children's sector, or even sports.
We encourage you to communicate on refurbished products and second hand products when possible.

As a reminder, the analysis is based on Google Analytics data (all sources combined) from a hundred or so e-tailers in France; we compare the data with that of the same period last year.
The trends we can observe are correlated to the performance of the sites connected to our tool and cannot represent the entire market. However, it can give an idea of the market trends over the analyzed period.