Case Studies

Broad query keywords have allowed LeStoff to improve their ROAS

Fouta beach towel retailer

EMEA - France
Broad query keywords have allowed LeStoff to improve their ROAS



Lower CPC on broad query keywords



Increase in the conversion rate



Increase in ROAS

The Challenge

Founded in 2015 in Austria, LeStoff quickly conquered the Austrian and German market. Their desire to develop internationally led them to France where their market share quickly increased notably thanks to Google Ads campaigns but without return on investment. In order to reverse the trend, they set the goal of improving the profitability of their campaigns by at least 10%.

The approach

Naturally, LeStoff decided to rely on Google Ads' broad query keyword recommendations. After analyzing the top performing keywords in the account, they ran AB Testing by duplicating the top broad query keywords and implemented them into their search campaigns. After a short period of analyzing and sorting the search terms, they were able to see the impact of the broad query keywords. 

Partnership with ikom: We worked with LeStoff to implement Google Ads best practices, such as adding broad query keywords to their existing campaigns.

The results

AB Testing showed that campaigns containing broad query keywords had better results in terms of CPC (-9%) and profitability (+17%). The search terms generated by the broad query keywords are as relevant as those of other match types since the conversion rate is higher for the broad query (+16%).

Following Google's best practices, we decided to try broad query keywords to improve our existing search campaigns and were able to maintain our volume while improving our profitability.

Cenk Bakir